Explore Our Courses

BlazeMeter for Automation

14 horas

BlazeMeter for Testing

14 horas

Selenium C# Test Automation

14 horas

LoadRunner Enterprise

21 horas

SoapUI: Introdução ao teste de API com SoapUI

14 horas

Introduction to Selenium

7 horas

Test Automation with Selenium and Jenkins

21 horas

Selenium for Victims of Manual Testing

14 horas

Advanced Selenium

14 horas

Selenium WebDriver in C#

14 horas

Automation Testing with Cypress

14 horas

Protractor: End-to-End Testing for Angular Web Applications

14 horas

Test Automation with Selenium and Python

14 horas

BDD with Python and Behave

7 horas

Advanced Selenium with C#

14 horas

Test Automation with Selenium and Katalon Studio

14 horas

Serenity BDD for Automated Acceptance Tests

7 horas

Selendroid: Automated Testing for Android

7 horas

Selenium com Ruby para Automação de Testes

14 horas

Testing Angular Applications

14 horas

Agile Software Testing

14 horas

Agile Software Testing with Continuous Integration

28 horas

Agile Software Testing Overview

7 horas

Introduction to Agile Testing

14 horas

Contemporary Development Principles and Practices

14 horas

Intelligent Testing

14 horas

Web Security Testing - Security and Testing of Web Applications using OWASP

21 horas

Teste de Desempenho com LoadRunner

35 horas

Quality Assurance and Continuous Integration

14 horas

Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering and Testing

63 horas

API Testing with Postman

21 horas

Rest Assured APIs with Postman and Java

21 horas

Rest Assured: API Testing for REST Services

7 horas

Tosca: Model-Based Testing for Complex Systems

35 horas

Test Automation with Galen Framework

14 horas


21 horas

Automate Windows Desktop Applications with AutoIt

14 horas

Robot Framework: Keyword Driven Acceptance Testing

14 horas

SpecFlow: Implementando o BDD para .NET

21 horas

Behat: Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with PHP

14 horas

JBehave: BDD with Java

7 horas

Cucumber.js: Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Javascript

14 horas

Cucumber: Implementando o Desenvolvimento Orientado por Comportamento (BDD) com Cucumber

14 horas

Cucumber Electron: Implementing BDD without Selenium

7 horas

Cucumber: Implementing BDD with Java

7 horas

Iridium: Cucumber and Selenium Based Testing

7 horas

Testing Ruby applications with RSpec

7 horas

Watir: Web Test Automation with Ruby

21 horas

Testing React Apps with Jest

14 horas

Selenium with Jenkins and Docker

14 horas

Advance Test Automation in Java using Selenium with continuous integration and version control

35 horas

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Cursos de fim de semana de Teste de Software, Treinamento tardiurno de Teste de Software, Treinamento em grupo de Teste de Software, Teste de Software guiado por instrutor, Treinamento de Teste de Software de fim de semana, Cursos de Teste de Software tardiurnos, coaching de Teste de Software, Instrutor de Teste de Software, Treinador de Teste de Software, Cursos de treinamento de Teste de Software, Aulas de Teste de Software, Teste de Software no local do cliente, Cursos privados de Teste de Software, Treinamento individual de Teste de Software