Course Outline


  • What is Android?
  • Application development environment configurations.
  • Application writing toolkit - Android SDK
  • Java and Android

Application construction

  • Creation and launch of the first application
  • Overview Android Studio
  • apk file
  • applicationId
  • Application installation
  • AndroidManifest.xml
  • Java code and resources
  • Building system Gradle
  • Certificates
  • versionName and versionCode
  • Construction of application variants
  • right
  • debug and release
  • adb


  • types of resources
  • directory structure
  • resource qualifiers
  • class R


  • What is Activity?
  • Create and run an Activity
  • Activity life cycle
  • Activity Stack
  • Intents
  • Fragment

Content Provider Basics

  • downloading content using Content Provider

Basics of UI construction

  • layouts - types and creation
  • built-in elements: buttons, text fields, etc.
  • View class
  • Connecting View with Activity
  • menu
  • dialogues
  • ListView and RecyclerView

Styles and themes

  • creating and configuring styles

Processes and threads in Androidzie

  • ui thread
  • ANR
  • AsyncTask
  • Services

Advanced UI Views

Message receivers

  • applications of broadcast receivers

Saving status

  • files
  • SharedPreferences
  • SQLite


  • what is REST and JSON?
  • communication with the REST server


  • picasso
  • retrofit
  • eventbus
  • butterknife
  • okhttp
  • parse

Application distribution

  • Google Play
  • Crashlytics and bug reporting
 21 Hours

Testimonials (4)

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