Course Outline

Introduction to Angular 2 

  • Bootstrap Angular 2 app
  • Components in Angular 2
  • Angular CLI

Introduction to TypeScript

  • Types, Functions, Lambdas
  • Classes, Interfaces, Decorators, Modules

Component Based Development

  • Develop custom components
  • Component Tree 
  • Advanced Components

Directives and Pipes

  • Attributes directives and Structural directives
  • Pipes

Building blocks

  • Immutable.js
  • Observables
  • Dependency Injection


  • Template Driven Forms
  • Form Builder

REST and State Management

  • RxJS
  • Redux and Ngrx


  • Routes in Angular 2

Migrating from Angular 1.x to Angular 2

  • Migration Steps
  • Choosing a path
  • ng-forward and ng-upgrade

Unit Testing

  • Testing Components
  • Testing Services


Previous programming experience Basic knowledge of HTML, css and javascript

 21 Hours

Testimonials (4)

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